
Download the latest version from here or from Github.
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Download the database

There are two types of files: XXXM.csv and highways.csv.
  1. XXXM.csv: This file contains information about each rule highway ID. Each row corresponds to a specific rule, numbered sequentially. For example, row 54787787 shows 497642, which is the highway ID for the rule 54787787.
  2. highways.csv: This file provides detailed information about each highway ID. Each row stores a tuple (highway ID, period, dx, dy, winding) sorted by highway ID. Keep in mind that there might be gaps in the IDs.
Highway ID 0 means that no periodic pattern was found, and ID 1 means that the ant escaped some large bound but the period could not be computed due to it being too large or not really forming a periodic pattern.
Name Last modified Size
highways.csv.gz 2025-03-18 05:00:01 6.57 MB
350M.csv.gz 2025-02-23 05:00:45 98.61 MB
340M.csv.gz 2025-01-27 12:05:40 95.83 MB
330M.csv.gz 2025-01-05 23:01:39 93.01 MB
320M.csv.gz 2024-12-17 23:00:22 90.21 MB
310M.csv.gz 2024-11-25 23:00:24 87.42 MB
300M.csv.gz 2024-11-03 23:00:30 84.62 MB
290M.csv.gz 2024-09-06 22:00:13 81.82 MB
280M.csv.gz 2024-06-04 22:00:14 79.02 MB
270M.csv.gz 2024-05-07 22:00:13 76.21 MB
2e28.csv.gz 2024-04-30 21:17:08 75.77 MB
See all downloads here

First steps

  1. Install Java: You need Java 16 or greater to run the program.
  2. Register: An account is needed in order to contribute.
  3. Generate a token: Go to the settings page and click the button "Generate token" to create a unique secret token for you to login on the client.

How to run

WARNING: for versions ≤ 1.1.1 you need to add --host

Specify the number of CPU threads you want to use with the -w option. If the -w option is absent, it will use one thread.

java -jar langtonX.X.X.jar -w THREAD_COUNT

If this is your first time running the program add the option -u and your username. Once you run it, it will ask you the secret token previosly generated.

java -jar langtonX.X.X.jar -w THREAD_COUNT -u USERNAME

Once you are logged in you will get an output like the following.

# java -jar langton1.0.2.jar -w 3
Langton's Ant Client v1.0.2
Reading config...
Running on 3 threads
Connected to server
Logged in as MrCamoga
New assignment of 150 rules
Worker 0 started
Worker 1 started
Worker 2 started
01 175200855    RRRLRLRLLRLRRLRLRLLLRRRLLRLR    7,4430E+07 it/s 1,6122 s
00 175200854    LRRLRLRLLRLRRLRLRLLLRRRLLRLR    7,2436E+07 it/s 1,6566 s
02 175200856    LLLRRLRLLRLRRLRLRLLLRRRLLRLR    7,4279E+07 it/s 1,6155 s
02 175200859    RRLRRLRLLRLRRLRLRLLLRRRLLRLR    2,2029E+07 it/s 0,0931 s        18 [1, 1, 2]
02 175200860    LLRRRLRLLRLRRLRLRLLLRRRLLRLR    3,1041E+07 it/s 0,0661 s        206 [5, 5, -6]
01 175200857    RLLRRLRLLRLRRLRLRLLLRRRLLRLR    8,0474E+07 it/s 1,4912 s

More options

You can add the -h or --help option to show the following help message.

usage: java -jar langton.jar <opt>
    -h,--help       print help
    --host <arg>    server address
    -ng,--nogui     run without GUI
    -nl,--nolog     run without log
    -u,--user <arg> login username
    -w <arg>        number of 2d square grid ants
    -w3 <arg>       number of 3d ants
    -w4 <arg>       number of 4d ants
    -wh <arg>       number of 2d hexagonal grid ants